Children in Disasters
A public health emergency—such as a natural disaster, disease outbreak, or terrorist attack—can happen anywhere and at any time. Because children are more vulnerable than adults during disasters, we encourage you to visit our resource page dedicated to children.
Flu Vaccine Finder!
Make plans to protect your family
against the flu. Get vaccinated this
North Carolina Public Health (NCPH) works to promote and contribute to the highest possible level of health for the people of North Carolina. Our entire statewide system of public health – local, state and private sector – has dedicated professionals who carry out our mission every day through a wide range of essential programs and activities touching the lives of everyone in our state.

This training from the CDC
helps providers identify
intramuscular injection sites.

With an increase in flu activity,
learn what steps you can take
to help protect your family
during the season.

Keep up to date on how
EHPC is working with
Public Health to improve
our region's resiliency!