• SMAT (State Medical Assistance Team)

    The EHPC SMAT houses over 21
    mobile resources ranging from
    prime movers to ECU Health's
    Medical Ambulance Bus

  • SMAT (State Medical Assistance Team)

    Each year, the EHPC SMAT team assists
    in providing medical coverage for a number
    of planned events. Keep an eye out for an
    upcoming deployments on our Events Page.

  • SMAT (State Medical Assistance Team)

    EHPC SMAT is home to over
    300 medical and non medical volunteers.
    We are always in search of new, dedicated,
    hard working team members

  • SMAT (State Medical Assistance Team)

    What's new in the Coalition

  • SMAT (State Medical Assistance Team)

    Hurricane Season Updates
    Please follow us on Social Media
    and download the EHPC APP

  • SMAT (State Medical Assistance Team)

    EHPC Radio Communication and
    Information Sharing Support

  • SMAT (State Medical Assistance Team)

    Do you have the EHPC App?
    One stop shop to notify EHPC
    and other key partners


Interested in joining the Eastern Healthcare Preparedness Coalition's SMAT Team? Click the link to the right to get started!


Trillium Hurricane Season Preparedness:

2018 NCEM Hurricane Florence Response Video

EHPC would like to announce that we now have an App for the coalition! Get it here – http://get.theapp.co/dbh4/ OR Scan the QR below with your Smartphone Camera

About Us

The EHPC SMAT is a multidiscipline
volunteer team of medical and non
medical professionals, established
to provide mobile medical support
for short and long term disasters or
catastrophic events.

SMAT: Our Mission

To ensure the delivery of healthcare services that protect the health and well-being of the residents and guests of North Carolina before, during, and after events that may overwhelm the healthcare system.

The EHPC SMAT team paired
with the coalition are taking
a step forward with our social
media presence! Follow us!

We have challenge coins! Volunteer at the next State Medical Assistance Team event and receive one!

Interested in being a part of this awesome team! Why don't you check us out and learn how to volunteer at our next event.