• Healthcare

    EHPC Coalition App

  • Healthcare

    Preparing Makes Sense. Get ready Now.

    Scroll Down for further information!

  • Healthcare


  • Healthcare

    NC Disaster Symposium: Date March 13-14, 2024
    Location: Winston Salem, NC


    Click the button below for further information.

  • Healthcare


    During a disaster or event please complete this EEI form

  • Healthcare

    EHPC is home to one of the regions three
    Medical Ambulance Buses. This bus deployed
    two times during Hurricane Matthew and as recent
    as Hurricane Dorian to assist with
    nursing home evacuations.

  • Healthcare

    EHPC works diligently with response partners
    to assist in community safety outreach.

  • Healthcare

    Storm Updates...
    Please follow us on Social Media

  • Healthcare

    SMSS Placement Guidance & Request Form

Healthcare Preparedness

The Eastern Healthcare Preparedness Coalition has four meetings each year which allow local healthcare partners to come together to address preparedness and response topics impacting eastern North Carolina. By signing up to be a part of the coalition, our partners will receive meeting invitations, important news, and an opportunity to participate in educational offerings and trainings.


Trillium Hurricane Season Preparedness:

2018 NCEM Hurricane Florence Response Video

EHPC would like to announce that we now have an App for the coalition! Get it here – http://get.theapp.co/dbh4/ OR Scan the QR below with your Smartphone Camera

120 To Landfall 2.0


WEBEOC Information

All users of the system need to log in regularly.
WebEOC will automatically lock the users profile if no activity within 270 days.

If you have been locked out, please send an e-mail to
support. Click on the button below to go to the site links.

If you need access to any information system that the state uses, please complete the form and submit.