Interested in joining the Eastern Healthcare Preparedness Coalition's SMAT Team? Click the link to the right to get started!
About Us
The EHPC SMAT is a multidiscipline
volunteer team of medical and non
medical professionals, established
to provide mobile medical support
for short and long term disasters or
catastrophic events.
SMAT: Our Mission
To ensure the delivery of healthcare services that protect the health and well-being of the residents and guests of North Carolina before, during, and after events that may overwhelm the healthcare system.

The EHPC SMAT team paired
with the coalition are taking
a step forward with our social
media presence! Follow us!

We have challenge coins! Volunteer at the next State Medical Assistance Team event and receive one!

Interested in being a part of this awesome team! Why don't you check us out and learn how to volunteer at our next event.